PSL Soft and Living Matter days 2024

Welcome on the website of the 4th edition of the PSL Soft and Living Matter days! This event will take place from July 3rd to 4th 2023 at Ecole Normale Supérieure (amphi Dussane) and will give the opportunity to the PSL community to learn and discuss about research activities in the broad field of Soft Matter with a special focus on colloids in 2024

"Hard and soft, active and passive colloids"

In addition to the exciting line of speakers (see below), we will have several topical sessions with contributed talks and one apero-poster session. So we count on you to register to the event and submit an abstract! 

Deadline for registration and abstract submission May 30th 2024

Registration (mandatory to attend the workshop) HERE

Abstract submission for poster/oral (you also need to be registered!) HERE 

Confirmed invited speakers

Charlie Gosse (ENS) DNA forceps to study, at the single-object level, interactions involving large protein complexes

Salima Rafai (LiPhy) Physics of Active suspensions using plankton

Joshua McGraw (ESPCI) Colloidal dynamics close to a wall

Kawthar Bouchemal(Chimie ParisTech) Morphology controlled nanomaterials to navigate mucosal barriers

Nicolas Sanson (ESPCI) Supramolecular engineering of colloids

Léa-Laeticia Pontani (SU) Emulsions as a versatile tool to study tissue mechanics

Etienne Ducrot (CRPP) Tuning colloidal interactions with DNA

Adeline Perro (U. Bordeaux) Sequestration and compartmentalization within coacervates

Mazi Jalaal (U. Amsterdam) Chloroplasts as an active biological colloid

Sylvain Gigan (ENS) Passive and active particles in disordered optical patterns

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